Saturday, January 8, 2011

What Age To Get A Brazilian Wax?

Your phone might kill you?

According to Prof Girish Kumar Institute of the Department of Electrical Engineering IIT Bombay, which carried out extensive research on radiation from mobile phones, there are very serious risk for users of these phones, such as increased risk of cancer, brain tumors and many other diseases, especially for children.

According to Professor. Kumar, who has just delivered a report on the subject to Department of Telecommunications, the main hazards encountered by scientific studies over the cell phone users and those who live near the towers are as follows.
  • An increase of 400% increase in brain tumors among adolescents using mobile phones. Children are more vulnerable to radiation from mobile phones because they suffer from a greater penetration of radiation inside the skull because his spessoreo Ossero is less than adults.
  • Excessive use of mobile phones can cause cancer in anyone. In particular, the use for more than 30 minutes a day for 10 years increases the risk of brain tumor and acoustic neuroma.
  • radiation from mobile phones causes irreversible damage to male fertility. Some studies have found a 30% decrease in sperm count in heavy users of mobile phones.
  • The frequencies of the cell can cause DNA damage cells of the body. The radiation causes the formation of free radicals in the body cells and it is known that these radicals are carcinogenic.
  • The frequencies of cell phones interfere with the operation of other life-saving tools, such as peace-makers and can, therefore, cause an instant death.
  • Exposure to radiation from mobile phones can trigger a stress response in the cells of humans and animals, with the production of stress proteins . This is proof enough that the body recognizes the radiation from mobile phones as a potential danger.
  • The electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones and masts are damaging the immune system and inflammatory responses of / allergic , including rash cutani, Prut, tingling and injuries.
  • People who use mobile phones for more than 30 minutes a day for over 4 years are at high risk of developing hearing loss . The mobile phone radiation can cause tinnitus (also known as ringing in the ears) and damage the inner ear hair cellulale. Once damaged, these nerve cells do not regenerate anymore.
  • The frequent use of phones can damage your sight in many ways. The frequencies of the cell (900, 1800 MHz and 2450 MHz) damage skin cells and increase the temerature inside the eye.
  • emissions from mobile phones weaken bones and can cause a reduction of melatonin (an antioxidant that promotes the immune system).
  • An increased risk of cancer of the salivary glands is related to the use of mobile phones.
  • exposure to electromagnetic fields of mobile phones and masts can promote sleep disorders and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease.
  • Because of the continuous background noise caused by electromagnetic fields, birds and the bees are disoriented and unable to return to their hives and nests. The background noise adversely affects animals, plants and the environment.
Source: Priya Adhyaru Majith, Daily News and Analysis Agency, 2 January 2011.


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