European Petition "Stop the dental mercury"
March 12, 2010
Click here to sign the petition:
the European Commission President, José Al Manuel Durão Barroso
European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection, John Dalli
the European Commissioner for Environment, Janez Potočnik
the Executive Director of the European Agency for the Environment, Jacqueline McGlade
Al Director General for Public Health and Consumer Protection (DG SANCO) of the European Commission, Robert Madelin
The Director of the Department of Product Safety DG SANCO, Bernardo Delogu
the President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek
the President EU Council, Herman van Rompuy
the President of the Court of Justice European Vassilios Skouris
the President of the European Court of Human Rights, Jean-Paul Costa
European Ministers of Environment
European Ministers of Health
dental amalgam is composed of about 50% by liquid mercury which becomes better when mixed with other elements such as tin amalgam, silver, copper and zinc. Despite the reassurances about the safety of this material, it was proved that it releases mercury vapor when you chew or consume hot liquids.
The mercury content of amalgam fillings can be transformed into organic and inorganic forms of mercury and may always be absorbed into the body through breathing and saliva. Mercury vapor can reach the digestive tract, lungs, and then to the blood and can accumulate in various parts of the body (kidneys, liver, stomach, brain, bones, muscles, fatty tissues, prostate, testis, etc.)..
As the World Health Organization stated in its Policy Paper of 2005 on Mercury in the health field that the "Mercury is very toxic (...) and also can be fatal if inhaled or absorbed through skin;
Since about 80% of inhaled mercury vapor is absorbed into the bloodstream through the lungs and can cause harmful effects to the nervous system, digestive, respiratory, immune and kidney, as well as damage to the lungs
Since the adverse effects of mercury exposure can be: tremors, loss of sight , hearing, paralysis, insonnnia, emotional instability, developmental deficits during fetal gestation, attention deficit and developmental delays in childhood
Since recent studies suggest that mercury may not have limits security below which no adverse effects occur;
Given that in 1991 the World Health Organization Health has confirmed that the mercury content nell'amalgama is the main source of exposure to mercury in non-industrial, exposing the concerned population to mercury levels significantly exceeding those set for food and air;
Since the greatest risk occurs during the installation and removal of fillings;
Given that there are alternatives on the market containing less toxic, made of composite plastics without bisphenol A;
Since the Food and Drug Administration has accepted the risks of dental amalgam may lead to some people;
Since several studies suggest a correlation between exposure to dental amalgam and the beginning or aggravation of various diseases including multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome , Fibromyalgia, Chronic Candidiasis Syndrome and other neurological diseases, immune, skin, allergy, mental, digestive, renal, ENT-laryngology, etc.
As the use of mercury in dental fillings is a preventable form of environmental pollution (pollution is through the human body fluids, through the cremation through the disposal of dental apparatus without separation, etc.).
Despite the lack of scientific consensus on the dangers of amalgam;
Under the precautionary principle invoked by the European Parliament September 4, 2008 with the interim evaluation of the European Action Plan for Environment and Health 2004-2010;
The petitioners demand that the use of dental amalgam is banned by law in Europe and which promotes the training of dental amalgam removal for proper protocol to quadruple protection (oxygen mask, disincastonamento drill low-speed, rubber dam, strong suction) and that imposing a strict law, the use of amalgam separators in dental practices.
All such request should be considered in light of the revision of the European Strategy on Mercury European Union that is in progress. We expect that the new European Strategy on Mercury European Union includes significant actions for the banning of dental amalgam fillings.
Click here to sign the petition:
Francesca Romana Orlando
Vice President of AMICA
Association Poisoning Chronic Diseases and / or Environmental
Rome - Italy
Francisca Gutiérrez-Clavero
ASQUIFYDE President of the Association for FM, CFS and MCS
Coordinator of the Research Group on Disease Environmental GEDEA
Alicante - Spain
Servando Pérez-Domínguez
MERCURIADOS President of Association (patients because of mercury)
Coordinator of the Sub Group GEDEA on 'Medical and scientific aspects Environmental Disease '
University Professor & medical student at the University of Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela - Spain
Peggy Troiano
Founder , Program Manager
Foundation "MCS" Beacon of Hope
Monika Frielinghaus
Manager of VHUE eV
Association for the Support of People with Environmental Illness
Neunkirchen am Brand - Germany
Reinhard Lauer
BBFU - Bundesverband der für Beratungsstellen Umweltgifte, Amalgam und Holzschutzmittel eV
coordination and consultation to local groups and individuals to patients problems of environmental poisoning and amalgam
Reinhard.Lauer (at)
Euskirchen - Germany
Dr. med. Joachim Mutter
Department of Environmental Medicine and Integrative,
Konstanz - Germany
Funkloch Clinic in Brazil / detox-clinic
Becky Dutton
and former nurse manager of medical office
Support Group 'Mercury Madness'
Dr. Agata Bonaccorsi
Pulmonology - Allergists
Hospital Cannizzaro (CT)
UOC Respiratory Diseases
Catania - Italy
Marie Grosman
Non au mercure dentaire (No mercury dental)
Cherbourg Cedex - France
Prof. Max Daunderer
Tox Director of the Center
Grünwald - Germany
Dr. Bartholomew The Cagnina
Medical specialist in dentistry,
diploma in homeopathy, and integrative medicine homotoxicologists
Catania - Italy
Dr. Mario Mariani Mauro
Specialist in Angiology
Visiting Professor of Nutraceuticals at the University of Bologna and Calabria
Creator of the Four D Program: Detoxification-Purification-Drain-Weight Loss
Secretary of the Italian Society SITEC Chelation Therapy
Senbete Vice President European Society of Nutrition Organic
ISDE Italy Member Association of Doctors for the Environment
Teacher Schools AIOT Italian Association Schools Teacher of Homotoxicology
AINUC Italian Academy Clinical Nutrition
Ascoli Piceno - Italy
Charles Brown
National Council of Consumers for Dental Choice
(Consumers for Dental Choice)
Washington, United States
Freya Koss
President & Director of the Pennsylvania Coalition for Mercury Free un'Odontoiatrica
USA e-mail:
Info: www.toxicteeth . org
Michael Payne
DAMS coordinator in the United Kingdom
Jean Huss
President of Akut asbl
Association for Environmental Health & Indoor Air Quality
(Association for Environmental Health indoor air quality)
Margarita Pascual Aguiló
President of the Balearic Support Fibromyalgia
Islas Baleares - España
Leo Cashman, Executive Director of DAMS (Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions)
Dr. Margaret
Andreina Stores
Surgeon Specialist in Hydrology Medical (medical spa)
Piazza Grande, 26 57123 Livorno
Dolors Casabella Duran
Nurse Emergency ABS Mataró
Colegiada n ª
20782 Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain
Sasanka Dev
Society for Direct Initiative for Social Action and Health (DISH)
20 / 4 Sil Lane, Kolkata 700015 India
María Ruiz Zamacona
EKEUKO - Covaci
Coordinating Group for Diseases Caused by Electromagnetic Fields
Maria Eugenia Gil-Beroes
Foundation President Aguaclara
Ursula López Moreira
BLOG Consumer Group Agroecology
Madrid, Spain
Leticia Baselga
Head of the International Campaign in Spain of the Zero Mercury Ecologistas en Acción
member ZMWG (Zero Mercury Working Group)
Dr. Silvano Baztán Guindo
Author of Blog "El Arte de Vivir "
Pamplona - Spain
Gisela Keuper
Physiotherapist with and Bioresonance therapist of The Healthier Life Clinic
www .
María José Moya Villen
Roberto Galdós Carvajales
Environmentalist Association SagarraK / Sagarrak Ekologia Taldea
Vicente Saavedra González
Life Ascensia Arrufat Gallen
Expert Public Health Centre of Public Health of Castellón
health consultant
Carlos de Prada
President FODESAM (Foundation for the Defense of Environmental Health)
Madrid - Spain
Carles Porcel
Training Secretary of the Green Party Els Environmentalist Verdes Esquerra del País Valencia
País Valencia - Spain
María Hernández Bascuña
President of EDUS (Association for the promotion of health and social welfare).
Alicante - Spain
Luis Soriano del Amo
Industrial Technical Engineer Technical Risk Prevention at Work (specializing in Safety, Hygiene and Ergonomics)
Coordinator of Safety and Health in Construction @
Tarragona - Spain
Mario Alberto Gutiérrez G.
MSc. Environmental Studies and Human Resources /
UAB Professor and Researcher at the Department of Technological Development of Central American University
Managua - Nicaragua
Ana Medina Torres
President of AVA
Association for Combating Autism
Barcelona - Spain
Lilia Esther Blas Postigo
Executive Director of Cadia (Andean Centre for Environmental Research and Development)
Mendoza - Argentina
Arturo Alvarado Samit
President of the Association of Citizens for the Defense of Health Environment and
Viña del Mar - Chile
Elena Navarro Chávez
President of the Association for Fibromyalgia, CFS and MCS
www.plataformafibromialgia . org
Madrid - Spain
Dr. Rubén Darío García Diazgranados
Holistic Dentistry, University of Cali
Director of the International Clinic of Dentistry and Holistic Therapy Sea "Enrique A . DiazGranados P. "
Cartagena de Indias - Colombia
Carmen Manresa Uroz
Blog Author of "La bruja Nocturna" -
(blog about FM, CFS , MCS and other emerging diseases related to toxic substances)
Barcelona - Spain
Dra. Susana Longo Agüero
Director of the Dental Clinic Soto del Real
Vice President of SEKMO (English Society of Medical Dental Kinesiology)
Soto del Real - Madrid
Silvana de Bujan
Civic Association for the Defense of the Environment
Renac BIOS is a member of a coalition of citizens against incinerators and GAIA
Mar del Plata - Argentina
Cristobalina Bejarano Lepe
ALTEA-President of SQM (for MCS, FM, CFS and environmental protection)
http: / / / altea / Asociacion
Huelva - Spain
Dra. Judith María Flores Gelfo
Medical Director of the Clinic for Holistic Dentistry
AMUDENES member (Association of Women Dentiste of Spain) and SEKMO (English Society of Medical Dental Kinesiology)
Madrid - Spain
Olga Rodríguez Paez
Medicine Clinic of Alternative Therapies "DOKUS"
Coruña - Spain
Dr. Miguel Ángel Karam Calderón
Professor and researcher at the University Research with ecosystem approach
Faculty of Medicine
Autonomous University of Mexico State
Toluca - Mexico
Laura Dominguez Rosado
Vice President of ENA
Association for Environmental Disease Prevention and Assistance Andalusia
Granada - Spain
Florent Marcellesi - Sonia Ortiga
spokesperson of the Greens (Health Group)
País Vasco - Spain
Heidi Streminger
President says MCS-SOS
Organizzazione says Auto-Aiuto per la MCS
www.mcs-sos .
Lyss - Svizzera
Jorge G. Tell Burrell
Fondatore-direttore and State says
Alliance Zero Pollution
Group Parques Nacionales Panamá
Global Compact Network
Global Mercury Partnership
Zero Mercury Partnership
Health Care Without Harm
Green, SA
ecologicpanama.conte @
Chiriqui - Panama
Isabel Ariño Toulouse
Author Blog "Vivir with Sensibilidade"
(blog on MCS, CFS, FM)
Valencia - Spain
Eva Caballé Giralt
Economist, author of the blog "No Fun" on MCS; CFS, FM
author of the book disappeared, a rota por la vida Multiple Sensibilidade Química,
eva.lefthanded @
Barcelona - Spain
Maite de Ribera
President ACAF
Catalan Association of patients Fibromyalgia
Barcelona - Spain
Pere Vives Bicardi
Chemistry and an honorary member of the College of Chemists of Catalonia
and manager of Out the mercury amalgam "of the College of Experts on dental amalgams (physico-chemical-kinetic)
Girona - Spain
Alfredo Herranz Sanz
President of Association for the Promotion of Mental Health
sunaptein @
Madrid - Spain
Clara Valverde
President of Liga SFC
League for CFS
Barcelona - Spain
Blanca Mesistrano
President FibroAmérica
Associaione of people with fibromyalgia, CFS, MCS / group / fibroamerica
Córdoba - Argentina
Marife Antuña Suárez
Forum Fibromyalgia and CFS for adults and young and
Gijón - Spain
Marian Barnes Vázquez
President of the International Network Promoters of Ecotourism in Andalucia,
Association for the Protection and Defense of Environmental Health
Málaga - Spain
Ofelia Tabares Díaz
President of Association for Prevention and Healing of Diseases of Childhood
www.antonioaaron .com / aldis.htm
Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain
Dr. Kurt E. Müller
European Academy of Environmental Medicine
Würzburg - Germany
Dr. Damián
responsible for biochemical and medical academic and Professor of Health Socioambiental
Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Rosario
Rosario - Argentina
Dra. María del Pilar Martín Santiago
Director of Dental Health Group PROB (V) OCA / curriculum_pilar_martin.pdf
Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain
Nicola R . Lewis
President ASOFIBEN
CFS and Fibromyalgia Association of Benidorm
Alicante - Spain
Ricardo Arnoldo Navarro Pineda
President of CESTA (Centre for Appropriate Technology Salvadoreño) - Friends of the Earth
San Salvador - El Salvador
Javier Souza Casadinho
Centre for Studies on Appropriate Technology 's Argentina - CETAAR
Ing Agr., Professor of Faculty of Agronomy University of Buenos Aires, Regional Coordinator of the Network Alternatives to Pesticides in Latin America
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Petrelli de Silvia Bosio
Secretary to the environmental group "COQUENA"
Jujuy - Argentina
Luca Poma
science journalist
National Committee spokesman "Hands off the Kids'
Dr. Emilio José Peña Torres
Head of the Laboratory of Environmental Mercury CIRA / Unani
(Research Centre for Water Resources of Nicaragua / National Autonomous University of Nicaragua)
Founder-Director: Salvador Montenegro Guillén
emilio.pena @ cira-
Managua - Nicaragua
Mats Hanson
Vice President, Scientific Coordinator
Tf - Swedish Association of Dental Mercury Patients
Rosita Romora
ANFISC-President of the NGO for the recognition of FM, CFS, MCS
Bellunuo - Italy
Walter Zucconi
forum administrator on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
admin @
Dr. Ana Delgado Rabadá
Dentists Dental Polyclinic Guinardó
(Correct amalgam removal and use of alternative materials)
Barcelona - Spain
Carlos Martínez Requejo
Vice President of DOMOSALUD (Association of Citizens Environmental Health)
interior designer and therapist-Domo
Barcelona - Spain
Dr. Graeme Munro-Hall
Dentists, Head of European Department of IAOMT
(International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology)
Bedford - United Kingdom
Dr. ssa Melibea Vallvé Ripoll
Dentists Center Odontologica de los Dres. Miravete
(Correct amalgam removal and use of materials alternative)
Barcelona - Spain
Dr. José Fco. Lijo González
Dentist, Dental Clinic Director
(Correct amalgam removal and use of alternative materials)
Vigo - Spain
Dr. Patrick Bache
Dentist, Dental Clinic Director
(Correct amalgam removal and use of alternative materials) / retirada_de_amalgamas.html
Barcelona - Spain
Rosina Uriarte
(Centro Bilingue early stimulation "Brisbane")
http: / /
Castro Urdiales - Spain
Dr. Pedro Ángel Moreno Cabello
Dentist, Dental Clinic Director of the Moreno Cabello
(Proper removal of amalgam and use of alternative materials)
Córdoba - Spain
Dr. Jochen Bachsteffel
Dentists Dental Clinic Clinic Cristal, SL
(Correct amalgam removal and use of alternative materials)
info @ dental-
Palma de Mallorca - Spain
Dr. Pilar Muñoz-Calero Peregrín
President of the Foundation (Foundation for the medical treatment of people with intoxication)
Pediatric Dentists and
Madrid - Spain
Dr. Josep María Trigo Sancho
(Correct amalgam removal and use of alternative materials) trigo + jose + maria-10390291
drsancho @ Infomed. es
Barcelona - Spain
Dr. Juan José Martín Jerez
Dentist, Dental Director of the Council
(Correct amalgam removal and use of alternative materials)
www.infomed .es / sekmo / miembros / jjmartin.pdf
Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain
Dr. Sergio Gabriel Ituarte Dentists
Martínez, Director of the Dental Council
(Correct amalgam removal and use of alternative materials) / odotologia% 20neurofocal.htm
Madrid - Spain
Michael R. Jackson DDS, FIAOMT
President of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
ChampionsGate, Florida USA
Miguel Angel Quintero Englembright
Dentists, Specialist in Dental Materials, Master
UNAM , Mexico
Ex-teacher in that institution
Kristin Moestue Westermoen
Vice President
Förbundet Tenner og Helse (Association for Dental Health)
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