If the mother uses the phone, there are risks to the unborn? A Danish study suggests so.
A Danish study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health concluded that pregnant women who regularly use cell phones are at greater risk of giving birth to children with behavioral problems.
The researchers had previously studied an initial group of 13,000 mothers and their children taken from the Danish National Birth Cohort (DNBC) and were later arrualte about 100,000 women who were pregnant between 1996 and 2002, with the aim to monitor long-term health of their children.
Mothers were asked details about their lifestyle, diet and environmental factors in the course of four lengthy telephone interviews during and after pregnancy.
When their children reached the age of 7 years, the mothers were heard again to assess the health of children and also their behavior on the basis of validated parameters. Data were collected also use the phone during pregnancy and by their children.
In both groups, was assessed a rate of about 3% of children with behavioral problems, and similar percentages have been classified with events abnormal behavior.
Those exposed before birth to mobile phones had 40% more likely to present behavioral problems, while those with no prenatal exposure, but with cell phone use at the age of 7 years showed the 20% more abnormal behavior.
The study's authors argue that the new results reduce the likelihood that the data is due to a random result. The study highlighted the need for further research, suggesting the possibility that the effect of electromagnetic field of the cell acting on the fetus, not because of the thermal effect, which was considered minimal for the type of situation, but not to other mechanisms - heat that must be investigated.
Source: ScienceDaily, December 7, 2010
Friday, December 31, 2010
First Time Audition Free Stream
16 French cities choose to lower the exposure limit of 0.6 volts / meter
In May 2009 in France was set up committee called COMOP "which was to oversee the experimental reduction of electromagnetic fields of mobile phone masts. The goal was to make mobile telephony systems compatible with the protection of human health. Indeed, there is a growing international consensus about the fact that current legal limits are not sufficient to protect health.
This happened especially through the work of the group of independent scientists who have published the BioInitiative report, which recommends As a preliminary to the drastic reduction in the level of artificial radiation of microwaves at 0.6 V / m, ie. 0.1 μW / cm ².
Organizations throughout the world are calling for some time that applies to a maximum of 0.1 V / m or 0.003 μW / cm ² for all emission sources combined.
Currently, the legal limit in France for the UMTS / 3G is 61V / m, equal to 1,000 μW / cm ² (ie the recommendations of the WHO and ICNIRP), as specified in the decree signed 2002-775 by Lionel Jospin, Prime Minister in 2002.
This limit is based on an exposure period of 6 minutes each call. There is no specific limit for a longer period and this can expose the population to this level of radiation during the day and night.
The French-up who alleged that the then Prime Minister Lionel Jospin signed the Decree on EMF making advice from Jean-Noël Tronc, quae a little later the same year was taken to France Telecom as director of strategy, was then chairman of the board of directors of Orange in Reunion, then CEO of Orange France.
In December 2009, 16 cities were selected in France for a reduction in the level of experimental maximum exposure to electromagnetic fields up to 0.6 V / m.
During a panel discussion with the government, the activist group Robin des toits (Robin Hood of the roofs) suggested to test the lower limit of 0.6 V / m in different cities. They were chosen 238 cities, towns and rural councils that will participate voluntarily in the experiment. This number indicates a growing awareness among local boards of health problems caused by the proliferation of masts in residential areas.
French unions have sent a strong message to the Government to denounce not only the confusion of the law, but also the growing concern of citizens for this new type of pollution at close range.
The Ministry of Ecology has published a list of cities chosen by the committee (COMOP): http://www.next-up.org/pdf/COMOP_experimentation_06Vm_liste_communes_communautes_candidates.pdf
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Pantsed Scenes In Movies And Tv
At school with the chef. Or if you want, the school meets the chef. And 'the experience of the fourth year of school complex "De Gasperi" Ionic St. George, belonging to a Lindlar "Maria Pia". Over fifty students in an educational program on nutrition and the wonderful local history, met the leading figures of the famous restaurant "Il Grillo" on-Ionian coast of Salento. The students were hosted by the President of the restaurants in the Confcommercio, Giampiero Laterza who gave a real lesson front starting from the ancient history of a grain of wheat. It 's the story of a grain of wheat that 2000 years ago in Roman times, planted for every three they picked three. With the passage of time things have changed thanks to technology and the proportion is "leavened" for each grain today they collect thirty! But so there are students so small, though curious and intelligent, in a dining restaurant with a team of experts at their disposal? It 'was an opportunity that also makes it easy to carry on imitating the passion and love for the products of our land, in an attempt to change a mentality often "hit and run" and not very focused on value history, tradition and quality combined with words such as tourism, economics, cuisine, culinary art. These words seem too big for the unborn child of ten years, but who well ... And so begins as "parable" perfect, the story becomes an image of the grain of what might be: in the family of cereals, rice is in good company , maize, rye, barley and oats. There is a grain ... "troublemaker" that forced the so-called hard wheat and there is weak ... the wheat. Becomes the ground wheat flour next to the name often contains some zeros, one or two. Flour is also integral all obvious, you might think, not for a category and a little 'Mangiona as that of children. Gluten, gliadin and glutinine before, were the other magic words used by Giampiero Laterza, which also had the merit of explaining to the little chef, celiac disease and its effects, you need to pay attention, can also apply for a special menu for those who must avoid gluten. And the parable is also enriched the term "yeast", tiny unicellular fungi, most notably the saccharomyces. You get bread, eaten regularly at the end of an unusual class, strictly "wet" with extra virgin olive oil. "You know that the most popular breads in the world are from Puglia? Altamura to which the mark is to Laterza and Doubt? "I explained the little" tricks "to distinguish the original from Laterza bread probable imitations. Entered the field, the chef and pastry chef, makes your mouth water has given way to the cake and some sweets. The lesson is served! The hope of a change in our area go here as well.
At school with the chef. Or if you want, the school meets the chef. And 'the experience of the fourth year of school complex "De Gasperi" Ionic St. George, belonging to a Lindlar "Maria Pia". Over fifty students in an educational program on nutrition and the wonderful local history, met the leading figures of the famous restaurant "Il Grillo" on-Ionian coast of Salento. The students were hosted by the President of the restaurants in the Confcommercio, Giampiero Laterza who gave a real lesson front starting from the ancient history of a grain of wheat. It 's the story of a grain of wheat that 2000 years ago in Roman times, planted for every three they picked three. With the passage of time things have changed thanks to technology and the proportion is "leavened" for each grain today they collect thirty! But so there are students so small, though curious and intelligent, in a dining restaurant with a team of experts at their disposal? It 'was an opportunity that also makes it easy to carry on imitating the passion and love for the products of our land, in an attempt to change a mentality often "hit and run" and not very focused on value history, tradition and quality combined with words such as tourism, economics, cuisine, culinary art. These words seem too big for the unborn child of ten years, but who well ... And so begins as "parable" perfect, the story becomes an image of the grain of what might be: in the family of cereals, rice is in good company , maize, rye, barley and oats. There is a grain ... "troublemaker" that forced the so-called hard wheat and there is weak ... the wheat. Becomes the ground wheat flour next to the name often contains some zeros, one or two. Flour is also integral all obvious, you might think, not for a category and a little 'Mangiona as that of children. Gluten, gliadin and glutinine before, were the other magic words used by Giampiero Laterza, which also had the merit of explaining to the little chef, celiac disease and its effects, you need to pay attention, can also apply for a special menu for those who must avoid gluten. And the parable is also enriched the term "yeast", tiny unicellular fungi, most notably the saccharomyces. You get bread, eaten regularly at the end of an unusual class, strictly "wet" with extra virgin olive oil. "You know that the most popular breads in the world are from Puglia? Altamura to which the mark is to Laterza and Doubt? "I explained the little" tricks "to distinguish the original from Laterza bread probable imitations. Entered the field, the chef and pastry chef, makes your mouth water has given way to the cake and some sweets. The lesson is served! The hope of a change in our area go here as well.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Doujinshi Pokemon Ash Boxers
Aaah, but what a beautiful beautiful disappointment disappointment!
One person, an important person, a figure "driving ".... completely lost my respect for that ... Well well who cares ....
I'm not the only mistake, a sin of presumption, to make mistakes, to humiliate and demand honesty and devotion.
Well well, we'll see.
I'm glad I picked up a few pieces of my life, and maybe I'll buy a new phone.
Aaah, but what a beautiful beautiful disappointment disappointment!
One person, an important person, a figure "driving ".... completely lost my respect for that ... Well well who cares ....
I'm not the only mistake, a sin of presumption, to make mistakes, to humiliate and demand honesty and devotion.
Well well, we'll see.
I'm glad I picked up a few pieces of my life, and maybe I'll buy a new phone.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Write Somethin About A Friend For Her Wedding
SIPU 'DO! Cadbury
I am lost. I lost friends. I found old interests.
I am giving to get serious, major turning will take place at very short notice! Ahiahi ... ...
among many others, I will begin to also study the Norwegian ...

A Casola Valsenio during the meeting of geographers vacuum ...
Saturday, December 4, 2010
How To Transfer Tally 7
Controversial WHO report on dental mercury amalgam dental
The World Health Organization has just published a report entitled Future Use of Materials for Dental Restoration ie Future Use of Materials for Dental Fillings that "dental amalgam is the material dental fillings to choose from, in the absence of an ideal alternative and the evidence of better alternatives. "
Remember that dental'amalgama contains 50% mercury which is used as a binder to hold together a powder other metals including copper, zinc and tin and is the subject of bitter controversy for decades because of its potential toxicity to human health and environmental pollution that entails.
The report Future Use of Materials Dental Fillings is the record of a meeting of the WHO Oral Health Programme which was held last November in Geneva where they discussed the scientific evidence alternative materials to amalgam for dental fillings and the implications of these alternatives. According to the report the meeting would end with the assessment that the complete banning of amalgam would be "unrealistic, impractical and unattainable."
These findings have already appeared in two sites pro-amalgam ( http://www.ada.org/news/5082.aspx and http://www.adavb.net/ # zomaUQ6HCSLv ) and broke a huge international controversy that is animating and lawyers' associations around the world.
The meeting in Geneva was attended, in fact, even representatives of associations Group Zero Mercury (which is also part AMICA ) that are fighting for years for the reduction and abolition of the use of mercury in all sectors, but particularly in the health sector and representatives from these groups complain the fact that the conclusions set out in the report do not match what actually happened at that meeting.
Coordinators of the Group Zero Mercury - Michael Bender, Director of the Mercury Policy Project and Elena Lymberidi-seventh of the European Environmental Bureau - have written, in fact, a letter to WHO just to reiterate that the conclusions presented by this report do not represent the plurality of positions that have emerged in the meeting.
In particular, they write: "Although the report is written that 'the WHO has taken all possible precautions to verify the information in the publication', the most simple precaution, which is to circulate the draft report to those who had participated in the meeting has not been done. We question, therefore, the full validity of this report because we consider it misleading in the way it was presented and for its contents as many points missing from the description and from the discussions, including facts that may interest the reader about what is happening in other regions. We believe, therefore, directly responsible to the WHO and judged to have helped to guide informed of the meeting clearly and deliberately misleading. "
The report would be misleading to quote from a" consensus on amalgam dental "on a total safety of this material for your health. In fact, it refers to the ratio of the 1997 WHO report Dental Amalgam and Alternative Restorative Materials Direct was not a policy document of the WHO, but it was one of the many documents promoted by the WHO and outside experts, whose conclusions have only the value of advice to management of WHO, then the Police should develop and guidelines. In the letter, two representatives of the Zero Mercury also argue that the Geneva meeting had been submitted several proposals for reducing the use of dental mercury. "Even if you have not taken any vote, the meeting ended without any objection to the fact that it is necessary to reduce the use of amalgam."
The report WHO report Dental Amalgam and Alternative Restorative Materials Direct clearly explains that "The views expressed by the authors in this document are the responsibility of the authors only. This means that there is no question of the positions taken by the WHO. It should be noted, however, that this relationship is constantly cited by lawyers in courts and public agencies to deny the toxicity of amalgam. The two activists Zero Mercury note, however, that this report would not have even been cited in the WHO meeting last November.
In their letter to the WHO list views that emerged at the meeting, however, have been reported
- Your continued use and subsequent release of mercury from dental amalgams is a major source of pollution. Mr. Bakken of UNEP, Dr. Narvaez UNEP.
- pollution from mercury dental not limited to the losses that come from dental practices, because most of that mercury in fillings is implanted and subsequently enter the environment in different ways, such as cremation (Professor Hylander).
- amalgam, whose fumes are dangerous especially for dental professionals are a primary theme of job security (Phantumvanit Professor, Dr. Meyer).
- amalgam dental material alone destroys the good, while the composite and the technique "ART" "maintain the tooth structure." (Dr. McConnell, Dr. Dahl).
- amalgam involves externalized costs for governments and society as a whole due to pollution from mercury, which creates and the costs involved in terms of environmental health (Mr. Maxson, Dr. Van den Heuvel).
- The world is working on a binding treaty on mercury and should be to limit all types of use of mercury (Dr. Narvaez, Mr. Bakken).
- Un'odontoiatria free or virtually free amalgam bonding is prevalent in Norway, Indonesia and Japan. Have produced the evidence in the present that the mercury-free dentistry is increasing in developing countries.
Some participants at the meeting in Geneva from developing countries have expressed support for a ban on amalgam and wondered what keeps the rich countries from doing so (Phantumvanit Professor, Dr. Sudeshna).
Among the proposals are related:
- End the use of amalgam as a routine and continue to use it only for unusual cases (Dr. Van den Heuvel).
- providers of health services must contribute to the decrease in the use of amalgam (Dr. Petersen).
- Teaching the risks and benefits to dental amalgam (Mrs. Lymberidi-seventh).
- Passing, in low-income countries, the use of amalgam in the ART technique that is both cheaper and requires less user experience (Dr. Williams, Dr. Honkala, Dr. Soucy,).
- Amalgam is not necessarily less expensive than composites - these are cheaper in some markets (Mr. Maxson), and when it begins restricting the price of mercury and thus increase the price of amalgam (Mrs. Lymberidi Seventh-).
- Banning the use for children (Dr. Soucy, Professor Jin Bian You, Mr. Maxson, Mrs.Lymberidi-seventh).
- for reducing the use of amalgam is necessary to set a time limit (Dr. Meyer).
The meeting also talked about the experiences of reducing the use of mercury fillings in several countries. In Sweden, for example, in 1978-79 the amalgam was used in 74% of cases today, both Sweden and Norway have banned this material and are at the forefront to demand the total ban at UN United.
Why the WHO allows the publication of reports are not reviewed by the participants in its meetings and does not accept responsibility for branch real health policy documents rather than continue to publish reports of others who have no legal value, but only advisory? And this is not just about the amalgam, but also the electromagnetic fields, as stated clearly in the book.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Good Quote About Weed
: millions of people at risk of exposure to mercury pollution to
Francesca Romana Orlando
The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology has just posted a new report on risk evaluation of dental amalgam to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA ), the U.S. agency responsible for classifying and approving drugs.
This full-bodied document over 100 pages has launched an alarm clear: mercury from dental fillings exceeds the standard levels of security 0.3 ug/m3 set by the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States (EPA) in 1995 to more than 67 million Americans.
If you take into account the highest security standard of 0.03 mg/m3 provided by the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States in California in 2008, also the current limits would be exceeded over 122 million Americans .
dental fillings by dentists called "amalgam" or "silver" are composed, in fact, mercury by 50%. A statistical Zogby of 2006 indicated that 76% of Americans were unaware that these were made for half your fillings mercury poisoning.
Contrary to what the regulation promulgated in 2009 by the Food and Drug Administration , that exposure to mercury does not pose a risk to dental health IAOMT the report, prepared by the lead researcher G. Mark Richardson, PhD, of the consulting firm SNC-Lavalin and by other authors, concluded that the mercury emitted constantly from these fillings is absorbed and distributed in the body in any tissues and organs, including the brain. Chronic exposure (long term) to elemental mercury can damage the kidneys , can pass the blood brain barrier and may have neurotoxic effects .
Driven by four petitions contrary to the "zero-risk classification, the FDA has established of public hearings for December 14 to 15 to review scientific studies related to health risk caused by these dental fillings, particularly for pregnant women, children and sensitive people. The report
states that "Numerous studies have shown that mercury levels in the blood increase in people with amalgam, including pregnant women." The report of dr. Richardson has investigated how the mercury amalgam in the mouth of the mother to cause harm to the fetus through the umbilical cord blood and through breast milk in infants.
The report is based on review of over 100 published scientific studies. Among these, one just published this month in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease , confirmed that the mercury is a contributory cause of Alzheimer's, a disease with epidemic proportions affecting about 5.3 million Americans.
IAOMT The Report concludes that "it is essential to use the precautionary principle in updating and revision of the bibliography in order to determine exposure levels to protect public health." The use of dental mercury has already been dentist banned in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
In Italy the use of amalgam is banned by a 2001 ministerial decree in pregnant women, children under six years, in people with kidney disease, in patients allergic to amalgam components and it is forbidden to enter of amalgam fillings close other metal inlays.
Currently the EU is reviewing its policy strategy to reduce exposures to mercury. Last June, he was released a report on the policies of individual member countries in this field, which was commissioned consulting firm Bio Intelligence . The report concluded by proposing a ban on amalgam, although with some exceptions.
At the world level, the international community is now working for a global ban on amalgam in the negotiations promoted by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to reach a binding treaty on mercury. The next meeting will be in Chiba, near Tokyo, Japan in January.
Francesca Romana Orlando
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Homemade Straightening Solution
Industry decades in Sicily and still does not pay
Sources: Wikipedia
Interview with Dr. Giacinto Franco, former head of the Hospital of Augusta (SR), which has seen since the early 80's a significant increase of cancer, especially lung, birth defects and miscarriages.
area of \u200b\u200bAugusta, Priolo and Melissa (also known as infamous "Triangle of Death") there is a concentration of petrochemical plants, chemical industry and energy that have poured in wastewater and tons of pollutants into the sea, including metals heavy as lead and mercury are elements that are typically responsible for the malformations observed in humans, but also in fish.
a tragedy comparable only to that of Minamata, in Japan occurred in the '50s, because of an industry that spilled mercury in the sea. In the city of Japan, however, there was a great responsibility on the part of institutions and a strong public awareness.
Today Japan is at the forefront in the promotion of a binding treaty that significantly reduces emissions of mercury in the environment he's working on the United Nations Environment Programme. The next meeting to discuss the UNEP mercury will take place right next to Tokyo in late January.
Italy has a long way to go, especially if one considers the close link between politics and industry.
Wikipedia states that "The Office of Occupational Medicine of Messina found in the urine of workers Coem Company, a subsidiary of Fincoe Ltd, owned by the family Prestigiacomo, chlor-alkali plant workers, concentrations of mercury well above the limit. "
Prestigiacomo heir of that family is the current Minister for the Environment. As if that area did not have enough problems, Prestigiacomo has fought for the creation, right at Augusta, an incinerator and a LNG terminal at Melissa, then blocked the project from the Sicily Region.
If Augusta, Priolo and Melilli the Framework Program Agreement of June 2004 between the Ministries of Environment, Economy and the Sicilian Region provided a total cost of remediation amounted to € 774 million in 219.7 borne by the industry, but today, according to activists and AugustAmbiente Decontamination of Syracuse Sicily, the minister would be preparing a decree on "settlement agreements" with industry, including those of Priolo and Gela in Sicily, to delete a blow all the serious environmental disasters they cause.
- http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polo_petrolchimico_siracusano
- Communiqué AugustAmbiente and Decontamination of Sicily 20.11.20010: http : / / www.priolo.altervista.org / amnesty-tomb-ambientale.htm
Antonio House, "Melissa-Priolo LNG terminal, the project panned " di Sicilia newspaper, 27.11.2009 . - Antonio House, "Prestigiacomo Mpa and UDC against the LNG terminal Priolo-Melissa", 04/12/2009.
- "Those energy plants ever built 'stink' mafia " Guide Sicily, 23:07:08.
- " solid waste incinerators in Sicily: Back in Training - After contestazionei EU, the region reopen the bidding for the construction of four incinerators " Guide Sicily, 23:07:08.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wat To Do With Exfoliating Gloves
Health risks linked to repeaters
They analyzed all the scientific studies on this topic, using the PubMed search engine, thus identifying a total of 10 epidemiological studies on the effects of masts on health. Seven of these publications explore the correlation between proximity to base stations, repeaters and neuro-behavioral effects, while three other publications investigating the effect on cancer.
The Swedish researchers Vini G. Khurana, Lennart Hardell, Joris Everaret, Alicja Bortkiewicz, Michael Carlberg and Mikko Ahonen have analyzed the growing public exposure to radio frequency and microwave radiation emitted by wireless communications technology, including cell phones and associated repeater stations to investigate possible adverse health effects.
They analyzed all the scientific studies on this topic, using the PubMed search engine, thus identifying a total of 10 epidemiological studies on the effects of masts on health. Seven of these publications explore the correlation between proximity to base stations, repeaters and neuro-behavioral effects, while three other publications investigating the effect on cancer.
gurppo The research has thus discovered that eight of the 10 studies reported an increased prevalence of increased neuro-behavioral symptoms of cancer or in those who live less than 500 meters from the repeaters.
None of the studies had found levels of electromagnetic fields higher than those considered safe by international standards, suggesting that these standards may be insufficient to protect public health and the need to lower the exposure limits.
The researchers, who published the results of their study on ' International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health (Vol 16, No 3, 2010), believe that studies are necessary Epidemiological assess the long-term effects of exposure to mobile phone masts, in order to have an urgent and more defined understanding of their impact on health.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Special Writting Style
influenza vaccination: the need for medical associations, but on what basis ?
Recently, several U.S. medical organizations have proposed a mandatory vaccination against influenza for health care workers. These include the National Patient Safety Foundation, the Infectious Diseases Society of America, the Society of Healthcare Epidemiologists as well as the American Academy of Pediatrics, which represents more than 60 000 specialists.
In January 2010 a survey by the Center for Disease Control in the United States had observed that 37% of healthcare workers were vaccinated against influenza virus (strain A) and 35% had done is that this vaccination for seasonal influenza (strain B). According to many experts these percentages are too low and would expose the patients themselves at risk of infection with these viruses.
Despite the constant warnings about the risks of death from influenza and social costs related to hospitalization, there is no scientific basis to support certain that vaccination effectiveness is compared to the problem of contagion. Research conducted by scientists at the University of Calgary The Foundation in Canada and the Cochrane Collaboration on health care for elderly service representative, stressed that "there is no evidence that influenza vaccination of health care personnel prevents influenza (diagnosed in the laboratory), pneumonia and death from pneumonia in the elderly residents in a long-term care facility.
The same study, which was published in June 2010, also suggested that other interventions such as washing hands, wearing masks or Early diagnosis with nasal strips or use of anti-viral drugs and quarantine, restrictions on visits and require workers with similar symptoms the influence of commuting to work could not protect the elderly patients, although studies are needed and long-term randomized trials.
If there is no certainty about the real need for vaccination for caregivers and there are perhaps action to prevent the contagion of this type "zero cost" because the medical associations insist on the need for vaccination ?
The research - which then makes eco dissemination in the mass media - is in the hands of the farmacautica who obviously has no interest in studying and developing alternative approaches to vaccination. Need for independent research conducted by public institutions without conflicts of interest.
- "Pediatricians will join call for mandatory flu shots," USA Today, 9/8/2010.
- Thomas RE, Jefferson T, Lasserson TJ. Influenza vaccination for healthcare workers who work with the elderly. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010 , Issue 2. Art No.: CD005187. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD005187.pub3.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
How To Get Rid Of A Papilloma
found the palace of Odysseus from the Corsera 08/24/2010
Archaeology - A team of Greek university has been working for sixteen years
"found the palace of Odysseus
Homer was right" to Ithaca
ceramics and the remains of a Mycenaean palace source
Archaeology - team of a Greek university has been working for sixteen years at Ithaca
ceramics and the remains of a Mycenaean palace source
Bust of Homer of the Capitoline Museums (Ansa)
F bears would be more honest to call it "building Penelope" , as Ulysses, between wars, travel, spiteful and cunning necessary dislikes of the gods, in that house there was very little, but whatever you call it, the traces of a Mycenaean-era building, discovered in Ithaca by a group of Greek archaeologists have a story intended to return the light it deserves so many dark years of work of these scholars. The protagonist of the discovery is Professor Athanasios Papadopoulos, University of Ioannina, which for sixteen years with his team digs Ionian island, on the trail of the palace described by Homer. The finding was done Exogi, a town north of the island: here revealed the structures of a building with three levels. The elements which would identify him as the palace of the son of Laertes are basically three: the shape, due to other Mycenaean palaces, with steps carved into the rock fragments of pottery from the same period (the first records speak of porcelain, but it is likely that this is a translation error, since the porcelain is much later), a fountain, which archaeologists have dated to the thirteenth century BC, that is the time when it would be Ulysses lived.
Papadopoulos - according to the Ansa agency reported from Athens - said the building is similar in size and structure to those already attributed to Agamemnon, Menelaus and Nestor at Mycenae, Pellana, Pylos, Tiryns. The latest discovery is similar to 2006 when Professor Yannos Lolos brought to light at Salamis and the house that would have been Ajax. And again in Ithaca a few years ago Papadopoulos Kontorli Litsa and her colleague had discovered a tablet engraved with a scene from the Odyssey: Ulysses tied to the mast of his ship to resist the siren song. Even then, the two archaeologists announced they had to "be near" the discovery of the palace where Odysseus had to exterminate the suitors.
The news has renewed the excitement that follows each finding in the footsteps of Homer's story, beginning with the discovery of Troy by Schliemann. "What matters is the discovery of a Mycenaean-era building - confirmation Andrea Carandini, who has been digging the Palatine in Rome - and the dating of the fountain can help to define the context. And if it postpones the myth of the Odyssey is easy to become the palace of Odysseus. " "What is Homer's excavations on inspiration is understandable - added Adriano La Regina, Rome Archaeological Superintendent for decades - but now the important news is just the building, as has happened for the palace of Nestor at Pylos. Whether it's Ulysses or no interest to a certain point, we now know that Ithaca was a Mycenaean king. And I hope that you can also find the archive: very important for writing Mycenaean tablets that we are now able to decipher and can give valuable information. "
the link between the archaeological and the Homeric poems of the seventh century, pays more attention to the historian Luciano Canfora, "We have a reductionist view of Homer's epic, as a mere repository of legends. But the historicity of the story, from the siege of Troy to the figure of Agamemnon, the dispatch of Greek princes and their tormentatissimi returns, are not debatable. Archaeology is looking for something that perhaps there was, despite flukes and misunderstandings. It is like looking for the Shroud. And Homer - Camphor insists - is not a poet. He offers us a historical novel written in hexameters, because that was the only form of communication. "
The only to be disappointed by the discovery of Papadopulos Robert Bittlestone, British businessman lover of antiquity, who a few years ago was convinced that the real Ithaca is not at all the tiny island that still bears his name. For him the real Ithaca over thousands of years had transformed the peninsula of Paliki on the northwest coast of Cephalonia close and to prove it had expended much energy and sophisticated satellite photographs. But perhaps in Ulysses (and Penelope), this latest move house did not like.
Paul Fallai
August 24, 2010 ©
Archaeology - A team of Greek university has been working for sixteen years
"found the palace of Odysseus
Homer was right" to Ithaca
ceramics and the remains of a Mycenaean palace source
Archaeology - team of a Greek university has been working for sixteen years at Ithaca
ceramics and the remains of a Mycenaean palace source
Bust of Homer of the Capitoline Museums (Ansa)
F bears would be more honest to call it "building Penelope" , as Ulysses, between wars, travel, spiteful and cunning necessary dislikes of the gods, in that house there was very little, but whatever you call it, the traces of a Mycenaean-era building, discovered in Ithaca by a group of Greek archaeologists have a story intended to return the light it deserves so many dark years of work of these scholars. The protagonist of the discovery is Professor Athanasios Papadopoulos, University of Ioannina, which for sixteen years with his team digs Ionian island, on the trail of the palace described by Homer. The finding was done Exogi, a town north of the island: here revealed the structures of a building with three levels. The elements which would identify him as the palace of the son of Laertes are basically three: the shape, due to other Mycenaean palaces, with steps carved into the rock fragments of pottery from the same period (the first records speak of porcelain, but it is likely that this is a translation error, since the porcelain is much later), a fountain, which archaeologists have dated to the thirteenth century BC, that is the time when it would be Ulysses lived.
Papadopoulos - according to the Ansa agency reported from Athens - said the building is similar in size and structure to those already attributed to Agamemnon, Menelaus and Nestor at Mycenae, Pellana, Pylos, Tiryns. The latest discovery is similar to 2006 when Professor Yannos Lolos brought to light at Salamis and the house that would have been Ajax. And again in Ithaca a few years ago Papadopoulos Kontorli Litsa and her colleague had discovered a tablet engraved with a scene from the Odyssey: Ulysses tied to the mast of his ship to resist the siren song. Even then, the two archaeologists announced they had to "be near" the discovery of the palace where Odysseus had to exterminate the suitors.
The news has renewed the excitement that follows each finding in the footsteps of Homer's story, beginning with the discovery of Troy by Schliemann. "What matters is the discovery of a Mycenaean-era building - confirmation Andrea Carandini, who has been digging the Palatine in Rome - and the dating of the fountain can help to define the context. And if it postpones the myth of the Odyssey is easy to become the palace of Odysseus. " "What is Homer's excavations on inspiration is understandable - added Adriano La Regina, Rome Archaeological Superintendent for decades - but now the important news is just the building, as has happened for the palace of Nestor at Pylos. Whether it's Ulysses or no interest to a certain point, we now know that Ithaca was a Mycenaean king. And I hope that you can also find the archive: very important for writing Mycenaean tablets that we are now able to decipher and can give valuable information. "
the link between the archaeological and the Homeric poems of the seventh century, pays more attention to the historian Luciano Canfora, "We have a reductionist view of Homer's epic, as a mere repository of legends. But the historicity of the story, from the siege of Troy to the figure of Agamemnon, the dispatch of Greek princes and their tormentatissimi returns, are not debatable. Archaeology is looking for something that perhaps there was, despite flukes and misunderstandings. It is like looking for the Shroud. And Homer - Camphor insists - is not a poet. He offers us a historical novel written in hexameters, because that was the only form of communication. "
The only to be disappointed by the discovery of Papadopulos Robert Bittlestone, British businessman lover of antiquity, who a few years ago was convinced that the real Ithaca is not at all the tiny island that still bears his name. For him the real Ithaca over thousands of years had transformed the peninsula of Paliki on the northwest coast of Cephalonia close and to prove it had expended much energy and sophisticated satellite photographs. But perhaps in Ulysses (and Penelope), this latest move house did not like.
Paul Fallai
August 24, 2010 ©
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Beat Underwater Camara
THE SUN is awakening (From THE MESSENGER)
Astronomy, the Sun is waking
Great expectations for spectacular auroras
On the surface of the Sun have been observed eruptions
When one of these eruptions reach the Earth generates auroras
ROME (03 August) - The sun is waking up on Earth and spectacular auroras are due tomorrow, perhaps the most colorful and vibrant in recent years. After a long sleep it seems that the activity of our star is restarted. On its surface solar flares were observed with plasma (electrically charged particles that is) thrown in interplanetary space. This cloud of particles is making route on Earth and when it arrives, according to experts, between tonight and tomorrow, it could lead to auroras of rare beauty.
To see them, according to experts, there is no need to go to the poles, these extraordinary glow of the sky, their intensity could also be seen from North America and Northern Europe. The solar flares are visible in some images and a video released by NASA, have been taken from the observatory of NASA space solar Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO).
When one of these eruptions reach the Earth, say the experts, the particles interact with Earth's magnetic field causing geomagnetic storms and spectacular displays of colored lights from red to blue: the auroras, normally observed from the polar regions. The solar activity is cyclical, it lasts about eleven years, the last solar maximum occurred in 2001, the first signs of an eruption, scientists say, that the sun is waking up and going to another solar maximum.
Astronomy, the Sun is waking
Great expectations for spectacular auroras
On the surface of the Sun have been observed eruptions
When one of these eruptions reach the Earth generates auroras
ROME (03 August) - The sun is waking up on Earth and spectacular auroras are due tomorrow, perhaps the most colorful and vibrant in recent years. After a long sleep it seems that the activity of our star is restarted. On its surface solar flares were observed with plasma (electrically charged particles that is) thrown in interplanetary space. This cloud of particles is making route on Earth and when it arrives, according to experts, between tonight and tomorrow, it could lead to auroras of rare beauty.
To see them, according to experts, there is no need to go to the poles, these extraordinary glow of the sky, their intensity could also be seen from North America and Northern Europe. The solar flares are visible in some images and a video released by NASA, have been taken from the observatory of NASA space solar Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO).
When one of these eruptions reach the Earth, say the experts, the particles interact with Earth's magnetic field causing geomagnetic storms and spectacular displays of colored lights from red to blue: the auroras, normally observed from the polar regions. The solar activity is cyclical, it lasts about eleven years, the last solar maximum occurred in 2001, the first signs of an eruption, scientists say, that the sun is waking up and going to another solar maximum.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Best Sew In Weave Memphis
by CORSER / Time travel
The key in quantum physics. Possible applications for computers of the future dream is coming
"time travel possible"
A new theory predicts the 'teleport' back
The key to the original condition in quantum physics. Possible applications for computers of the future dream is coming
"time travel possible"
A new theory predicts the "teleportation" of particles
back to the original condition
LONDON - The affect of the new time travel the minds of scientists who are looking for, especially through the new physics, the answers, at least theoretical means. To intrigue more, in some respects, appear to be the bounds of the past, perhaps seduced by Mark Twain that he wanted to make a trip to the Middle Ages with his An American in the court of King Arthur. For researchers, in this case, however, is not a void, albeit fascinating exercise fantasy. Seth Lloyd of MIT in Boston at the head of an international group of scholars which also includes two Italian (Vittorio Giovannetti and Lorenzo Maccone) has shown a proper explanation as sophisticated, but in fact a journey back in time would be addressed. The protagonists
Compared to many other theoretical attempts made so far, Lloyd adds more credibility because it makes use of an 'effect' first ignored. Let's see how. He begins with the transporter, the most well-known thanks to Star Trek where people are transferred from one place to another instantly (in the laboratory, however, some have already been teleported photon) and by quantum mechanics. But the trick is to trigger the 'effect of the suffix "of that time, is a different way of playing cards available. Thanks to it, only the particles that were found could be teleported back in original condition, thus making a trip back in time as well.
The appeal to the strange "effect" allows scientists to bring some advantages as in the scene without running into serious problems raised by time travel so far assumed related to the theory of relativity. In this case, required a much more difficult is the deformation space of time. Secondly, around a very famous paradox known as the 'paradox of grandfather, "which imagines go back in time and kill his grandfather and what, exactly, is paradoxical because it would prevent the birth of the murderer.
But the new theoretical effort aimed to imagine a time machine hidden in fact add value and perhaps even more fascinating is that the great challenge for decades, at least since the time of Einstein, the physical torture. It is the dream of uniting with the laws of quantum mechanics and relativity to get the coveted "theory of everything ', ie a single, simple, universal law that unifies all the other simplifying the description of the world.
addition to the exciting frontier of knowledge there is also a more practical purpose. The effect of post-selection used by Professor Lloyd is the basis of research on quantum computer that you begin to see some possibilities on the horizon and when that will materialize again upset our lives. Similar information perspective, of course, was not treated in time machine that HG Wells wrote in 1885 to travel in the future will bring us up to the year 802,701. But paradoxically, if the 'effect post-selection "of Professor Lloyd worked really open both doors, those of the past and the future. It's enough, meanwhile, to run the imagination.
John Caprara
July 25, 2010
The key in quantum physics. Possible applications for computers of the future dream is coming
"time travel possible"
A new theory predicts the 'teleport' back
The key to the original condition in quantum physics. Possible applications for computers of the future dream is coming
"time travel possible"
A new theory predicts the "teleportation" of particles
back to the original condition
LONDON - The affect of the new time travel the minds of scientists who are looking for, especially through the new physics, the answers, at least theoretical means. To intrigue more, in some respects, appear to be the bounds of the past, perhaps seduced by Mark Twain that he wanted to make a trip to the Middle Ages with his An American in the court of King Arthur. For researchers, in this case, however, is not a void, albeit fascinating exercise fantasy. Seth Lloyd of MIT in Boston at the head of an international group of scholars which also includes two Italian (Vittorio Giovannetti and Lorenzo Maccone) has shown a proper explanation as sophisticated, but in fact a journey back in time would be addressed. The protagonists
Compared to many other theoretical attempts made so far, Lloyd adds more credibility because it makes use of an 'effect' first ignored. Let's see how. He begins with the transporter, the most well-known thanks to Star Trek where people are transferred from one place to another instantly (in the laboratory, however, some have already been teleported photon) and by quantum mechanics. But the trick is to trigger the 'effect of the suffix "of that time, is a different way of playing cards available. Thanks to it, only the particles that were found could be teleported back in original condition, thus making a trip back in time as well.
The appeal to the strange "effect" allows scientists to bring some advantages as in the scene without running into serious problems raised by time travel so far assumed related to the theory of relativity. In this case, required a much more difficult is the deformation space of time. Secondly, around a very famous paradox known as the 'paradox of grandfather, "which imagines go back in time and kill his grandfather and what, exactly, is paradoxical because it would prevent the birth of the murderer.
But the new theoretical effort aimed to imagine a time machine hidden in fact add value and perhaps even more fascinating is that the great challenge for decades, at least since the time of Einstein, the physical torture. It is the dream of uniting with the laws of quantum mechanics and relativity to get the coveted "theory of everything ', ie a single, simple, universal law that unifies all the other simplifying the description of the world.
addition to the exciting frontier of knowledge there is also a more practical purpose. The effect of post-selection used by Professor Lloyd is the basis of research on quantum computer that you begin to see some possibilities on the horizon and when that will materialize again upset our lives. Similar information perspective, of course, was not treated in time machine that HG Wells wrote in 1885 to travel in the future will bring us up to the year 802,701. But paradoxically, if the 'effect post-selection "of Professor Lloyd worked really open both doors, those of the past and the future. It's enough, meanwhile, to run the imagination.
John Caprara
July 25, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Nystatin Starts Working
Who owns the broccoli and tomatoes? In memory of Paolo Borsellino
Today 20 July 2010 coalition "No-patents-on-seeds" (No patents on seeds) held a protest outside the European Patent Office of Monaco against patents on seeds, plants, animals and the food.
The event happens to coincide with the first hearing on a fundamental decision about the type of patents granted in Europe. The Patent Office, in fact, will have to decide if the natural resources may still be considered "inventions" or not, as was the case with some licenses already granted for broccoli and tomatoes.
demonstrators outside the office today, tearing up some European licenses.
already been requested in this office over 1000 on seeds and foods, but is skeptical about the possibility that these patents are revoked.
Source: http://www.no-patents-on-seeds.org/ Monday, July 19, 2010
Sansa Clip Cordless Earphone
In memory of Paolo Borsellino and his escort on the anniversary of the massacre in Via D'Amelio, 19 July 1992.
English Government Ships For Sale
Perfect Circle: a book on the defense of health, the environment and the future we choose
The Perfect Circle is, in fact, the link between industry and academia to politics and that, finding legitimacy in public opinion through the media of mass communication, undermines the very foundations of democracy, allowing the industry to endanger public health and environmental safety.
The book deal with case studies at international level, but also Italians.
Only by understanding of these dynamics can explain otherwise incomprehensible phenomena such as the use of mercury in dentistry or approval of unsafe drugs or technologies that expose people to the fact of a trial on the ground is not authorized by informed consent, as happened for example with The recent influenza pandemic of 2009.
The consequences of these policies are cancer, chronic diseases and neurodegenerative diseases, but also new diseases that are a warning about the failure of the current model of economic development.
People with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, in fact, suffer from even the smallest traces of chemicals in the environment and must live away from detergents, perfumes, smog, plastics, cosmetics, solvents, etc.. Similarly Electro survive only by avoiding the electromagnetic fields of everyday life, such as mobile phones, masts, Wi-Fi systems and, in severe cases even the electric lighting.
The fate of these patients is to be considered "dissidents" that doctors are trying to marginalize the industry closer to the real campaign to discredit them, while doctors who deal with these diseases are sometimes having to defend of real forms of intimidation.
Who is damaged by pollution or toxic products often do is contact the judiciary, but in fact the pursuit of justice is emptied of meaning by the huge difference in position between the individual citizen can acquire industry consultants and lawyers and can bear the costs of appeals. It 'the same justice, however, often opens the door to new public health policy judgments of history, like the recent recognition of the damage caused by operating the mobile professional, which anticipate a scientific truth that the ministerial committees are struggling to emerge.
It seeks to examine, finally, what are the weakest aspects of the perfect circle in order to identify a "breaking point", centering around the question of regulating the conflict of interest in all its possible manifestations, as well as around the search for new forms of social participation (investment critical solidarity groups of customers, etc..), the possibility of democratic politics capable of defending the first public health and the environment, rather than just economic growth.
"Perfect Circle", Edizioni Associate, July 2010, ISBN: 9788826705286
It is purchased in bookshops or directly from the publisher who sends him home to numbers 366 1958359 and 366 1976382.
It 'just came out in print for the Publishing Associate the book entitled "The Perfect Circle", which deals with highly topical subjects united by a common social dynamic -policy: GMO pesticides and insecticides, chemical fragrances, unnecessary and dangerous drugs and vaccines, electromagnetic pollution from cell phones, Wi-Fi, power lines, mercury dental fillings, air pollution caused by petrochemical poles etc..
The Perfect Circle is, in fact, the link between industry and academia to politics and that, finding legitimacy in public opinion through the media of mass communication, undermines the very foundations of democracy, allowing the industry to endanger public health and environmental safety.
The book deal with case studies at international level, but also Italians.
Only by understanding of these dynamics can explain otherwise incomprehensible phenomena such as the use of mercury in dentistry or approval of unsafe drugs or technologies that expose people to the fact of a trial on the ground is not authorized by informed consent, as happened for example with The recent influenza pandemic of 2009.
The consequences of these policies are cancer, chronic diseases and neurodegenerative diseases, but also new diseases that are a warning about the failure of the current model of economic development.
People with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, in fact, suffer from even the smallest traces of chemicals in the environment and must live away from detergents, perfumes, smog, plastics, cosmetics, solvents, etc.. Similarly Electro survive only by avoiding the electromagnetic fields of everyday life, such as mobile phones, masts, Wi-Fi systems and, in severe cases even the electric lighting.
The fate of these patients is to be considered "dissidents" that doctors are trying to marginalize the industry closer to the real campaign to discredit them, while doctors who deal with these diseases are sometimes having to defend of real forms of intimidation.
Who is damaged by pollution or toxic products often do is contact the judiciary, but in fact the pursuit of justice is emptied of meaning by the huge difference in position between the individual citizen can acquire industry consultants and lawyers and can bear the costs of appeals. It 'the same justice, however, often opens the door to new public health policy judgments of history, like the recent recognition of the damage caused by operating the mobile professional, which anticipate a scientific truth that the ministerial committees are struggling to emerge.
It seeks to examine, finally, what are the weakest aspects of the perfect circle in order to identify a "breaking point", centering around the question of regulating the conflict of interest in all its possible manifestations, as well as around the search for new forms of social participation (investment critical solidarity groups of customers, etc..), the possibility of democratic politics capable of defending the first public health and the environment, rather than just economic growth.
"Perfect Circle", Edizioni Associate, July 2010, ISBN: 9788826705286
It is purchased in bookshops or directly from the publisher who sends him home to numbers 366 1958359 and 366 1976382.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Basketball Warm Up List
Expertise on Vatican Radio Waves: Increase in Leukemia and Lymphoma
process which is between ten people who have had family in mourning for leukemia and lymphoma and directors of Vatican Radio has arrived at a turning point. Six defendants are under investigation for manslaughter among former leaders of the radio: Roberto Tucci, Costantino Pacifici, Gino Gonzo, Vittorio Emanuele Di Cecco, Roberto Emilio Guarini Pasquale Borgomeo, now deceased.
On July 13, 2010 Andrea Micheli, expert of the National Cancer Institute of Milan commissioned by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Rome, Zaira Secchi, from a scientific assessment of the possible link between the dozens of deaths from leukemia and the electromagnetic waves emitted by Vatican Radio, presented five years of work, its conclusions.
are clear: "exposure to the antennas of Vatican Radio, for important times of life for children up to 14 years of age is associated with an excess incidence of leukemia and lymphoma. It has also observed a significant correlation of leukemia in adults and, in particular, the relationship is observed only for the radio antennas of the Holy See and not those of the Navy, which has its locations in the area of \u200b\u200bTele Mari.
The news was learned optimism with the nationality of northern Rome, Cesano, the retort area, which for a decade against the electro-delivered radio by the Holy See. The Director Radio, Father Lombardi, reacted with surprise and announced that it will soon be made known positions of different opinion of his scientific expert witnesses: Professor Umberto Veronesi and Dr. Susanna Lagorio.
Renowned oncologist is known for its denial of the causal link between electromagnetic fields and health damage to the point that, in fact, has no problem to report between partners foundation that bears his name, in homepage, energy companies (Enel, Acea), telecommunications (Telecom), IT (Cisco Systems), broadcasting (La 7).
Sources: Rory
Hats Vatican Radio, to the battle of expert opinions, The Republic . A report
binds to tumors Vatican Radio, The Post .
process which is between ten people who have had family in mourning for leukemia and lymphoma and directors of Vatican Radio has arrived at a turning point. Six defendants are under investigation for manslaughter among former leaders of the radio: Roberto Tucci, Costantino Pacifici, Gino Gonzo, Vittorio Emanuele Di Cecco, Roberto Emilio Guarini Pasquale Borgomeo, now deceased.
On July 13, 2010 Andrea Micheli, expert of the National Cancer Institute of Milan commissioned by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Rome, Zaira Secchi, from a scientific assessment of the possible link between the dozens of deaths from leukemia and the electromagnetic waves emitted by Vatican Radio, presented five years of work, its conclusions.
are clear: "exposure to the antennas of Vatican Radio, for important times of life for children up to 14 years of age is associated with an excess incidence of leukemia and lymphoma. It has also observed a significant correlation of leukemia in adults and, in particular, the relationship is observed only for the radio antennas of the Holy See and not those of the Navy, which has its locations in the area of \u200b\u200bTele Mari.
The news was learned optimism with the nationality of northern Rome, Cesano, the retort area, which for a decade against the electro-delivered radio by the Holy See. The Director Radio, Father Lombardi, reacted with surprise and announced that it will soon be made known positions of different opinion of his scientific expert witnesses: Professor Umberto Veronesi and Dr. Susanna Lagorio.
Renowned oncologist is known for its denial of the causal link between electromagnetic fields and health damage to the point that, in fact, has no problem to report between partners foundation that bears his name, in homepage, energy companies (Enel, Acea), telecommunications (Telecom), IT (Cisco Systems), broadcasting (La 7).
Sources: Rory
Hats Vatican Radio, to the battle of expert opinions, The Republic . A report
binds to tumors Vatican Radio, The Post .
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Great Clips Color Hair
journalists, environmentalists and world culture with Piazza Navona to defend press freedom
issued by the National Federation of the Italian Press, the event in Rome on July 1 against the bill on wiretapping saw united in defense of freedom of information environmental groups , CGIL, ARCI, Article 21, Freedom, Justice, Freedom and red diary and participation, represented by the center-left parties, the "purple people" on Facebook, the world of culture and representatives associations who see this law a restraint on their hopes for justice. Emblematic
the words of the representative of the victims of asbestos in Piedmont: "10 victims make the news, 2500 are as those of asbestos in our region, no" and then "free use of wiretapping without a lot of judges will have difficulty a more complete investigation of serious environmental and public health. " Spoke with the same concerns also the victims of Ustica, the G8 in Genoa, the earthquake Aquila.
The decree, in fact, places restrictions on the duration of interceptions and a ban on publication of the transcripts before the conclusion of the investigation, an intervention that in fact severely restricts the freedom of information by threatening to jail journalists for up to 30 days or a fine of up to 10,000 euro. Tough-hard
Roberto Saviano who knows well the impact on the criminal activities of any approval of the decree reads: "The bill is being proposed as a defense of privacy, which is certainly sacred. But this law will not protect the privacy or, as above, the phone calls between sweethearts. Its sole purpose is to prevent them from knowing what is happening and to defend, more 'than anything else, or the privacy of ill repute, if you will, the business of politics. "
Several other writers have signed a letter opposing the bill "gag", including Giancarlo De Cataldo, Niccolo Ammaniti, Tiziano Scarpa, Nicholas Lagioia, Giacomo Papi, Carlo Lucarelli.
spoke at the event to lend their support, even if only on the phone, Dario For and Ennio Moricone. Interesting
the reaction of the square to the arrival of Patrick D'Addario: boos and cries of disappointment. Clearly, high values \u200b\u200bprevail for the protest than the simple anti-Berlusconi that somehow he could tie the lady at the protesters. Symbol of a certain "style in conducting business ", D'Addario has not found a place in a square units for the defense of fundamental principles of the Constitution, beyond the defense of a deployment.
Today in the streets against the law. Events from Rome to London, The Republic
Post-it notes, flags and slogans against the gag. crowded Piazza Navona to say "no" to the bill, The Republic
Several other writers have signed a letter opposing the bill "gag", including Giancarlo De Cataldo, Niccolo Ammaniti, Tiziano Scarpa, Nicholas Lagioia, Giacomo Papi, Carlo Lucarelli.
spoke at the event to lend their support, even if only on the phone, Dario For and Ennio Moricone. Interesting
the reaction of the square to the arrival of Patrick D'Addario: boos and cries of disappointment. Clearly, high values \u200b\u200bprevail for the protest than the simple anti-Berlusconi that somehow he could tie the lady at the protesters. Symbol of a certain "style in conducting business ", D'Addario has not found a place in a square units for the defense of fundamental principles of the Constitution, beyond the defense of a deployment.
Today in the streets against the law. Events from Rome to London, The Republic
Post-it notes, flags and slogans against the gag. crowded Piazza Navona to say "no" to the bill, The Republic
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Airforce Condor Air Rifle Sale
The Egyptians continue to amaze
Found Avaris, Egyptian city of more than 3,500 years ago
Under the Nile Delta
a team of Austrian archaeologists discovered the remains of a city that was the capital of the Hyksos population, a population Asian nomadic
Found Avaris, Egyptian city of more than 3,500 years ago
Under the Nile Delta
a team of Austrian archaeologists discovered the remains of a city that was the capital of the Hyksos people, a nomadic Asian
The map of
Avaris, Egyptian city discovered by archaeologists Austrian
LONDON - Avaris was about 1500 years BC, the Egyptian capital of the Hyksos people (whose name means "rulers of foreign countries), Asian nomadic race who descended to Egypt at the end of the Middle Kingdom, to govern from 1664 to 1569 BC. Now an Austrian archaeological mission has located some remains of this city near the village of Tell El-Dab'a, in the north-eastern Nile delta.
THE DISCOVERY - is an important discovery for archaeologists from all over the world. The Austrian team is already present in the area for 35 years: the first studies to find Avartis were started in 1975. As said archaeologist Irene Mueller heads the consortium, through the use of radar to its group of scholars have been unable to identify the urban structure of Avaris, and recognize different ways, buildings, dwellings, temples, a harbor overlooking the Nile, two submerged islands, pits of different sizes. All under to a particularly leafy crops, as can be seen in satellite images which is superimposed on the current physical structure of the area extension of the old Egyptian capital. Precisely because of the many houses and agricultural areas present today in the area, it is difficult to dig to unearth the ancient remains.
Hyksos - A ruling this Egyptian capital was a population that arrived in the Nile Delta Asia, the Hyksos. Veneration of the god Seth, who built a temple to Avartis, and were composed of Semitic Canaanites. From this city these nomads moved then to Memphis, but never ruled over the Middle Egypt. There were many exchanges with other populations, in the writings are in fact traces of their relations with Crete, Anatolia, the Aegean islands. As already did the pharaohs, the Hyksos also used to engrave their names on the beetles (considered sacred animals) later placed among the bandages of mummies. It is thanks to them that in Egypt started to use horses as draft animals, and wagons to fight in war.
Eva Perasso
June 21, 2010 ©
Found Avaris, Egyptian city of more than 3,500 years ago
Under the Nile Delta
a team of Austrian archaeologists discovered the remains of a city that was the capital of the Hyksos population, a population Asian nomadic
Found Avaris, Egyptian city of more than 3,500 years ago
Under the Nile Delta
a team of Austrian archaeologists discovered the remains of a city that was the capital of the Hyksos people, a nomadic Asian
The map of
Avaris, Egyptian city discovered by archaeologists Austrian
LONDON - Avaris was about 1500 years BC, the Egyptian capital of the Hyksos people (whose name means "rulers of foreign countries), Asian nomadic race who descended to Egypt at the end of the Middle Kingdom, to govern from 1664 to 1569 BC. Now an Austrian archaeological mission has located some remains of this city near the village of Tell El-Dab'a, in the north-eastern Nile delta.
THE DISCOVERY - is an important discovery for archaeologists from all over the world. The Austrian team is already present in the area for 35 years: the first studies to find Avartis were started in 1975. As said archaeologist Irene Mueller heads the consortium, through the use of radar to its group of scholars have been unable to identify the urban structure of Avaris, and recognize different ways, buildings, dwellings, temples, a harbor overlooking the Nile, two submerged islands, pits of different sizes. All under to a particularly leafy crops, as can be seen in satellite images which is superimposed on the current physical structure of the area extension of the old Egyptian capital. Precisely because of the many houses and agricultural areas present today in the area, it is difficult to dig to unearth the ancient remains.
Hyksos - A ruling this Egyptian capital was a population that arrived in the Nile Delta Asia, the Hyksos. Veneration of the god Seth, who built a temple to Avartis, and were composed of Semitic Canaanites. From this city these nomads moved then to Memphis, but never ruled over the Middle Egypt. There were many exchanges with other populations, in the writings are in fact traces of their relations with Crete, Anatolia, the Aegean islands. As already did the pharaohs, the Hyksos also used to engrave their names on the beetles (considered sacred animals) later placed among the bandages of mummies. It is thanks to them that in Egypt started to use horses as draft animals, and wagons to fight in war.
Eva Perasso
June 21, 2010 ©
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Traxxas Rustler Upgrading
ok, you go.
In my opinion, is not that the songs are that much to say .... spectacular inversely proportional to the quality of the video! Excluding "Here It Goes Again."
This was the "Hot Love".
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Furniture Oil For Jarrah
Obama, the African president. So says a reporter back to Tg5
Thomas Edward, I did not know ...
It gave me much trouble, speculating why the nature of oversight can only be of two types:
1. It 's black, so it's African
2.E' American but he is also black. So are African.
but I might be in bad faith, then adds:
3. African-American is too long to say (among other things, is a term that leaves me somewhat puzzled.)
4. It is not black, but you first to say so. And then the two words are similar (African American).
too partisan? Too much in the throes of an ancestral resentment, which in reality has always been ill-concealed from the moment I realized the color of my skin? E cmq
BP still smeared in his mess and the oil flows and ebbs and flows ... aber Stumpf ist Trumpf.
Das sagt alles. This
1. It 's black, so it's African
2.E' American but he is also black. So are African.
but I might be in bad faith, then adds:
3. African-American is too long to say (among other things, is a term that leaves me somewhat puzzled.)
4. It is not black, but you first to say so. And then the two words are similar (African American).
too partisan? Too much in the throes of an ancestral resentment, which in reality has always been ill-concealed from the moment I realized the color of my skin? E cmq
BP still smeared in his mess and the oil flows and ebbs and flows ... aber Stumpf ist Trumpf.
Das sagt alles. This
Thomas Edward, I did not know ...
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Does Jennifer Love Hewitt Have Extensions
when there is a genius ...
I'm for the working week break. It would increase my productivity by at least 50%. I swear!
And just this week, 4 days of work tomorrow ... casaaaaaaahhhh. Is there any
reviving that hears of him again ... if ... if ...?? Ignorance spelling.
when there is a genius ...
I'm for the working week break. It would increase my productivity by at least 50%. I swear!
And just this week, 4 days of work tomorrow ... casaaaaaaahhhh. Is there any
reviving that hears of him again ... if ... if ...?? Ignorance spelling.
Würde Ich könnte aber hatte Stumpf ist Trumpf
Stumpf ist Trumpf
Stumpf ist Trumpf
Würde Ich könnte aber hatte Stumpf ist Trumpf
Stumpf ist Trumpf
Stumpf ist Trumpf
Stumpf ist Trumpf
Stumpf ist Trumpf
Würde Ich könnte aber hatte Stumpf ist Trumpf
Stumpf ist Trumpf
Stumpf ist Trumpf
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Painful White Bump Above Tooth
and is already in June (reprise)
Hmmm ... actually it was just a nice steak ...
Hmmm ... actually it was just a nice steak ...
Monday, May 31, 2010
Stars Going Bottomless
and is already in June
No, not again, not again!
I'm falling again ... with all the shoes that I continue to buy ... without ever having built the new shoe ... six months have passed already ... ... cazzus
No, not again, not again!
I'm falling again ... with all the shoes that I continue to buy ... without ever having built the new shoe ... six months have passed already ... ... cazzus
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
How To Calculate Recurring Desposit Interest
I apologize, but I thought it was May
I still have the quilt on the bed and rarely wear shirts with short sleeves.
In the office we work with the light on, the doors are closed and hot beverages warm hearts.
I still have the quilt on the bed and rarely wear shirts with short sleeves.
In the office we work with the light on, the doors are closed and hot beverages warm hearts.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Frostration Game Rules
a thought ... Ich
A thought, the father of my friend and old classmate who is no more.
A thought for all those who have it gone.
Shit, we really must ensure that we roll up our sleeves!
I decided to be positive and proactive, as well as woman of action.
Hello hello.
A thought, the father of my friend and old classmate who is no more.
A thought for all those who have it gone.
Shit, we really must ensure that we roll up our sleeves!
I decided to be positive and proactive, as well as woman of action.
Hello hello.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wordings For Certificate Of Appreciation
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Victoria Secret Bras Leaks
aber nein, ich habe alles vergessen!
Hey nicefeet But not only goes to Hollywood!
A side trip to Stuttgart ... Indie Goes To Hollywood è proprio necessario che ... cabbages rinfreschi bene il mio inglese anche se vorrei ... buttarmi sul Norvegese.
ha comunque voluto
La coincidenza che in questo periodo stessie ascoltando musica tedesca ...
... I want to be a polar bear polar
In the cold,
Then I would cry no more,
would all so clear ...
Hey nicefeet But not only goes to Hollywood!
A side trip to Stuttgart ... Indie Goes To Hollywood è proprio necessario che ... cabbages rinfreschi bene il mio inglese anche se vorrei ... buttarmi sul Norvegese.
ha comunque voluto
La coincidenza che in questo periodo stessie ascoltando musica tedesca ...
... I want to be a polar bear polar
In the cold,
Then I would cry no more,
would all so clear ...
... we are alone
alone alone alone alone
alone alone alone alone
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Cruising Spots In North New Jersey
Brooke Greenberg, born 1993
A contemporary of my brother ... misteroooo.
not yet been able to understand anything, why? How? Until when?
I knew the existence of syndromes such as Werner or that of Cockayne, which are quite the opposite ... so sad ... and Suraya Brown?? '
A contemporary of my brother ... misteroooo.
not yet been able to understand anything, why? How? Until when?
I knew the existence of syndromes such as Werner or that of Cockayne, which are quite the opposite ... so sad ... and Suraya Brown?? '
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
What Is The Best Book On Boxing Training?
Put together the people who do not know
Richard Renaldi is a New York photographer of Italian origin that is just good pictures. There. He
, nice young man, enhances live meetings between strangers. This is his website: www.renaldi.com
clicking on "Renaldi project" will enter the section with all the pictures grouped by topic ...?
" Touching Strangers" - "Strangers in touch" - is the title shared by shooting in which people who do not know, often different in age, background, are found to pose together.
The idea came to him while he was working on another series of shots, "Bus Travelers" in which portraits are strangers sitting side by side on the bus.
"Without these strangers on the street - says Rich - and ask him to stand in front of the camera as they wish. The only condition which must meet is to establish a physical contact. Sometimes we study together, others let them settle in as they wish. "
Post creativity.
E 'May another source.
Richard Renaldi is a New York photographer of Italian origin that is just good pictures. There. He
, nice young man, enhances live meetings between strangers. This is his website: www.renaldi.com
clicking on "Renaldi project" will enter the section with all the pictures grouped by topic ...?
" Touching Strangers" - "Strangers in touch" - is the title shared by shooting in which people who do not know, often different in age, background, are found to pose together.
The idea came to him while he was working on another series of shots, "Bus Travelers" in which portraits are strangers sitting side by side on the bus.
"Without these strangers on the street - says Rich - and ask him to stand in front of the camera as they wish. The only condition which must meet is to establish a physical contact. Sometimes we study together, others let them settle in as they wish. "
Post creativity.
E 'May another source.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Dissolving Styrofoam With Fish Oil
Wiener Schnitzel von der Pute
What the hell is "the turkey cutlet imeanata "?????
I want to write my stories in peace, to recycle and participate in competitions.
But then again, that is a chop stracavolo imeanata?? ?
We almost all need to rest ...
What the hell is "the turkey cutlet imeanata "?????
I want to write my stories in peace, to recycle and participate in competitions.
But then again, that is a chop stracavolo imeanata?? ?
We almost all need to rest ...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Mcdonalds Casual Rate
Embedding disabled by user request
Mammamia Oh! Even those I had completely forgotten about them! But the video made me laugh ... I'm joking ... but these two mica nice sti Scots, the next time I happen to review Shrek the case I will most definitely the soundtrack ... the best of Proclaimers c'azzaccano Smash Mouth or Counting Crows ... brrr, that horrible songs ... but what happened to Mr. Jones?
Mammamia Oh! Even those I had completely forgotten about them! But the video made me laugh ... I'm joking ... but these two mica nice sti Scots, the next time I happen to review Shrek the case I will most definitely the soundtrack ... the best of Proclaimers c'azzaccano Smash Mouth or Counting Crows ... brrr, that horrible songs ... but what happened to Mr. Jones?
Monday, April 26, 2010
M Jak Milosc 796 On Line
morning sickness
E 'better that he should stop the vigorous, early morning coffee and cigarette, no, not by me!
E 'for a couple of years now and I keep this blog from the beginning I wanted it to be something fun to follow, read, see and hear from time to time. Oh well a
believe, illusion, we test a bit and give up before they see results.
I forgot: commitment.
What is missing, ah yes, yes, yes! But twenty years
FAAA ...
believe, illusion, we test a bit and give up before they see results.
I forgot: commitment.
What is missing, ah yes, yes, yes! But twenty years
FAAA ...
E 'better that he should stop the vigorous, early morning coffee and cigarette, no, not by me!
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