Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What Is The Best Book On Boxing Training?

Put together the people who do not know

Richard Renaldi is a New York photographer of Italian origin that is just good pictures. There. He
, nice young man, enhances live meetings between strangers. This is his website:
clicking on "Renaldi project" will enter the section with all the pictures grouped by topic ...?
" Touching Strangers" - "Strangers in touch" - is the title shared by shooting in which people who do not know, often different in age, background, are found to pose together.
The idea came to him while he was working on another series of shots, "Bus Travelers" in which portraits are strangers sitting side by side on the bus.
"Without these strangers on the street - says Rich - and ask him to stand in front of the camera as they wish. The only condition which must meet is to establish a physical contact. Sometimes we study together, others let them settle in as they wish. "
Post creativity.
E 'May another source.


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