Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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February ..... The name of the month is derived from the Latin februar , meaning " purify" or "a remedy to the errors " as in Roman calendar February was the time of purification rituals, held in honor of the Etruscan god Februus and Goddess Roman Febris , which had their climax on day 14. This pagan celebration would seem then be merged into Christian worship bestowed in honor of Santa Febronia , then supplanted by Valentine and transferred to June 25. Together with January the last month has been added to the calendar, as the Romans considered the winter months without a period. According to myth, was Numa Pompilius, 700 BC in , to put them both to be able to adapt to the solar calendar year: February contained the original 29 days (30 in a leap year). Augusto was removed after a day of the month in February to add his name August (renamed from Sestilio ) so that the month dedicated to Julius Caesar , July, would not have been longer. This fact, tried by a few sources not quite sure, is disputed by many historians consider the most likely to be more than 28 days in February. Nominally
February was the last month of the Roman Empire, which began in March . Since ancient calendrical calculations were inaccurate, sometimes, the Roman priests inserted a month Interleave, Mercedonius after February to realign the seasons.
names are the Anglo-Saxon history in February Solmoneth ("month of mud") and Kale-Monath so as the price Carolingian Hornung .
In old Japanese calendar, the month is called Kisaragi (如月, or 绢 更 月 衣 更 月, which literally means " the month of the change of clothes ). Another Japanese name is Mumetsuki (梅 见 月, which literally means "the month in which we see the plum flowers" ) or Konometsuki (木 目 月, "the month in which the trees get new life" ). In Finnish, the month is called helmikuu , "month of the pearl."
February is known as Black History Month (Black History Month ") in USA and Canada .


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