Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What Else Is There Besides Plan B

Eyebrows (official version)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Airforce Condor Air Rifle Sale

The Egyptians continue to amaze

Found Avaris, Egyptian city of more than 3,500 years ago
Under the Nile Delta
a team of Austrian archaeologists discovered the remains of a city that was the capital of the Hyksos population, a population Asian nomadic

Found Avaris, Egyptian city of more than 3,500 years ago

Under the Nile Delta
a team of Austrian archaeologists discovered the remains of a city that was the capital of the Hyksos people, a nomadic Asian

The map of
Avaris, Egyptian city discovered by archaeologists Austrian
LONDON - Avaris was about 1500 years BC, the Egyptian capital of the Hyksos people (whose name means "rulers of foreign countries), Asian nomadic race who descended to Egypt at the end of the Middle Kingdom, to govern from 1664 to 1569 BC. Now an Austrian archaeological mission has located some remains of this city near the village of Tell El-Dab'a, in the north-eastern Nile delta.

THE DISCOVERY - is an important discovery for archaeologists from all over the world. The Austrian team is already present in the area for 35 years: the first studies to find Avartis were started in 1975. As said archaeologist Irene Mueller heads the consortium, through the use of radar to its group of scholars have been unable to identify the urban structure of Avaris, and recognize different ways, buildings, dwellings, temples, a harbor overlooking the Nile, two submerged islands, pits of different sizes. All under to a particularly leafy crops, as can be seen in satellite images which is superimposed on the current physical structure of the area extension of the old Egyptian capital. Precisely because of the many houses and agricultural areas present today in the area, it is difficult to dig to unearth the ancient remains.

Hyksos - A ruling this Egyptian capital was a population that arrived in the Nile Delta Asia, the Hyksos. Veneration of the god Seth, who built a temple to Avartis, and were composed of Semitic Canaanites. From this city these nomads moved then to Memphis, but never ruled over the Middle Egypt. There were many exchanges with other populations, in the writings are in fact traces of their relations with Crete, Anatolia, the Aegean islands. As already did the pharaohs, the Hyksos also used to engrave their names on the beetles (considered sacred animals) later placed among the bandages of mummies. It is thanks to them that in Egypt started to use horses as draft animals, and wagons to fight in war.

Eva Perasso
June 21, 2010 ©

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Traxxas Rustler Upgrading

ok, you go.

In my opinion, is not that the songs are that much to say .... spectacular inversely proportional to the quality of the video! Excluding "Here It Goes Again."
This was the "Hot Love".

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Furniture Oil For Jarrah

Obama, the African president. So says a reporter back to Tg5

It gave me much trouble, speculating why the nature of oversight can only be of two types:
1. It 's black, so it's African
2.E' American but he is also black. So are African.
but I might be in bad faith, then adds:
3. African-American is too long to say (among other things, is a term that leaves me somewhat puzzled.)
4. It is not black, but you first to say so. And then the two words are similar (African American).

too partisan? Too much in the throes of an ancestral resentment, which in reality has always been ill-concealed from the moment I realized the color of my skin? E cmq
BP still smeared in his mess and the oil flows and ebbs and flows ... aber Stumpf ist Trumpf.
Das sagt alles. This

Thomas Edward, I did not know ...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Does Jennifer Love Hewitt Have Extensions


when there is a genius ...

I'm for the working week break. It would increase my productivity by at least 50%. I swear!
And just this week, 4 days of work tomorrow ... casaaaaaaahhhh. Is there any
reviving that hears of him again ... if ... if ...?? Ignorance spelling.

Würde Ich könnte aber hatte Stumpf ist Trumpf
Stumpf ist Trumpf
Stumpf ist Trumpf
Würde Ich könnte aber hatte Stumpf ist Trumpf
Stumpf ist Trumpf
Stumpf ist Trumpf

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Painful White Bump Above Tooth

and is already in June (reprise)

Hmmm ... actually it was just a nice steak ...