Monday, May 31, 2010

Stars Going Bottomless

and is already in June

No, not again, not again!
I'm falling again ... with all the shoes that I continue to buy ... without ever having built the new shoe ... six months have passed already ... ... cazzus

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How To Calculate Recurring Desposit Interest

I apologize, but I thought it was May

I still have the quilt on the bed and rarely wear shirts with short sleeves.
In the office we work with the light on, the doors are closed and hot beverages warm hearts.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Frostration Game Rules

a thought ... Ich

A thought, the father of my friend and old classmate who is no more.
A thought for all those who have it gone.
Shit, we really must ensure that we roll up our sleeves!
I decided to be positive and proactive, as well as woman of action.
Hello hello.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wordings For Certificate Of Appreciation

Mochta ...

These are the Axis of Awesome Australian . The same notes, the same boring songs ... Oh well.
This is their medley of about five minutes, "The 4 Song Chords" (The Song of four chords).
That looks just like the keyboards in Chicken Little ...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Victoria Secret Bras Leaks

aber nein, ich habe alles vergessen!

Hey nicefeet But not only goes to Hollywood!
A side trip to Stuttgart ... Indie Goes To Hollywood รจ proprio necessario che ... cabbages rinfreschi bene il mio inglese anche se vorrei ... buttarmi sul Norvegese.
ha comunque voluto
La coincidenza che in questo periodo stessie ascoltando musica tedesca ...

... I want to be a polar bear polar
In the cold,
Then I would cry no more,
would all so clear ...

... we are alone
alone alone alone alone

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cruising Spots In North New Jersey

Brooke Greenberg, born 1993

A contemporary of my brother ... misteroooo.
not yet been able to understand anything, why? How? Until when?
I knew the existence of syndromes such as Werner or that of Cockayne, which are quite the opposite ... so sad ... and Suraya Brown?? '

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What Is The Best Book On Boxing Training?

Put together the people who do not know

Richard Renaldi is a New York photographer of Italian origin that is just good pictures. There. He
, nice young man, enhances live meetings between strangers. This is his website:
clicking on "Renaldi project" will enter the section with all the pictures grouped by topic ...?
" Touching Strangers" - "Strangers in touch" - is the title shared by shooting in which people who do not know, often different in age, background, are found to pose together.
The idea came to him while he was working on another series of shots, "Bus Travelers" in which portraits are strangers sitting side by side on the bus.
"Without these strangers on the street - says Rich - and ask him to stand in front of the camera as they wish. The only condition which must meet is to establish a physical contact. Sometimes we study together, others let them settle in as they wish. "
Post creativity.
E 'May another source.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Dissolving Styrofoam With Fish Oil

Wiener Schnitzel von der Pute

menu outside a restaurant Heilingblut (Austria)

What the hell is "the turkey cutlet imeanata "?????

I want to write my stories in peace, to recycle and participate in competitions.
But then again, that is a chop stracavolo imeanata?? ?
We almost all need to rest ...