Thursday, January 7, 2010

Before After Male Brazilian


can cause serious damage to the respiratory tract if ingested or inhaled
After the figures, also seized
gelatin Skifidol stinking slime
The decision of the Ministry of Health urged the public prosecutor Modica

The Skifidol slime
Modica (Ragusa) - It can not be removed with surgical forceps or hooks and is transparent enough to be invisible to X-ray, but can cause serious damage to the respiratory tract. For this reason, must be immediately withdrawn from the market. Hard line of the Ministry of Health has ordered the police to seize the NAS throughout the national territory of the smelly jelly jars Skifidol slime. One of the products distributed in Italy by Milan Gedis kiosk that base their success with children just disgusting smell.

SKIFIDOL - Back in March, a similar fate was touched, but only in Piedmont, the figurine skifidol giving off foul smells such as vomiting, excrement and rotten eggs when they are scratched. In that case the alarm was triggered after the pupils of a primary school in Turin had accused malaise and sore eyes, causing the prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello to have objected to the attachment of the figurines. Now is the turn of gelatin Skifidol called slime, which does not care much for its toxicity to the possibility that, if ingested or inhaled to cause serious damage to the nasal mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract. The decision of the Ministry of Health has been urged by the prosecutor of Modica has appealed to the Consumer Code of 2005. About a year ago, the Guardia di Finanza of Pozzallo, also in the province of Ragusa, started an inquiry into smelly jelly and sent the case to the Prosecutor's Office that Modica had asked an expert to determine the degree of dangerousness. The consultants determined that "the product can break into small pieces, which is very easy to ingest or introduce into the nose." In that case, 'there is a danger of serious damage to the respiratory tract as the removal of the jelly is very difficult because it is grasped with forceps or hooks and respiratory failure may therefore not easy to solve. " Besides the fact that "the substance is not very visible with radiography.

RISKS - The prosecutor Francesco Modica Puleio had already requested the seizure of criminal Skifidol slime. But the request was rejected by the magistrate found that the warning label on the jar that the product can not be used by children under the age of 3 years enough to protect small consumers. Nevertheless, the prosecutor has not given up and called the rules of the Consumer Code will request the intervention of the Ministry of Health has ordered a few days ago of an administrative seizure. The costs for removal and destruction of the smelly jelly will be borne by the companies who import and market their product. In addition to the cans have already been purchased, the ministry predicted that "steps be taken to also recall alerting consumers the serious risk associated with inhalation or ingestion through signage or other means deemed effective. "

COMPANY - Gedis For its part, disputes the decision of the Ministry of Health and sent the note in which he argues that "the product is no longer on the market since last summer." In addition, the company responsible for Maurizio Corti encountered "serious and troubling questions on the report which gave rise to the measure, report from a loose otolaryngologist who had already received a sharp denial from the magistrate of Modica." He added: "For our part we are absolutely assured that the product has been tested Skifidol Slime by two authoritative laboratories I have certified the absolute harmlessness. In the face of millions of units sold during the past year, there was only one case of any harm to consumers. "

Alfio Sciacca
January 7, 2010


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