Thursday, October 1, 2009

Weaknesses Of Pokemons In Pokemon Deluge

Ardipithecus ramidus

before "Lucy" was "Ardi"

The first detailed description of the oldest hominid ever found published in Science

Un disegno di «Ardi» (per gentile concessione dell'American Academy of Advancement in Science)
A drawing of 'Ardi' (courtesy of the American Academy of Advancement in Science)
WASHINGTON - Lucy now has a 'new' ancestor. The partial skeleton of Australopithecus female who previously was the oldest human ancestor ever found was "passed" by another female skeleton, already dubbed "Ardi", from "Ardipithecus ramidus," a species of hominid lived more than 4.4 million years ago . The announcement comes from the journal Science on Oct. 2 with a special edition that contains some 11 scientific papers on the subject.

MA is not "the missing link" - Ardi, who was found in Ethiopia, is not the oft-mentioned "missing link", the common ancestor between apes and men, but it brings us much closer and it is older than a million years compared to Lucy. The analysis of the skull, teeth, pelvis, hands, feet and other bones reveals a 'mix' of primitive traits Ardi shares with its ancestors, the primates of the Miocene, but also reveals features found only in hominids of later ages.

NE 'MONKEY NE' MAN - "With the Ardipiteco not have a specialized form that has evolved very quickly into Australopithecus. So, if we look at the body from head to toe are a mosaic, which is neither a chimp nor a man, "said Tim White of the University of California at Berkeley. One of the main authors of the research. These articles contain a huge amount of data collected and analyzed by an effort of international research and open a new window on a period of human evolution which we still know very little about and in which the early hominids were settled in Africa after being differentiated from their parents, who had in common with the African apes, "added Brooks Hanson, deputy editor of Science.

the Corriere della Sera 1/10/2009


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