Welcome to the corner of teachers, a portal that presents a rich collection of teaching materials on Europe. " The EU proposes to start europa.eu from the portal or at www.europa.eu / teachers-corner, a space dedicated to those who have internet child-raising in schools of every order. The material is produced from various European institutions and other public bodies "to inform young people about the European Union and its policies." Are made available brochures, books, maps, pictures and posters (downloadable free), which explain "what it is and what the EU: they are treated different topics and problems of society today, such as what we can do to protect the environment, how to live together in a world of peace. " The documents are designed to prepare lessons, or to provide concrete information on the history or citizenship or other subjects. For example, for children up to 9 years is available in the brochure "United in diversity", which presents the diversity and variety of the EU (cultures, peoples, heritage, nature, money ...). For the range 9-12 years the book "With language comes farther," explains the language spoken on the continent and is an invitation to study the languages \u200b\u200bof Europe.